Public Speaking

Extreme Presentations (PEX®) is a strongly practical course, based on the concept that you need to project your energy in order to exert influence and convince others with your ideas. This means that you not only need to have a concise and strong message, but also you have to use your voice, body language and face expressions to reach your audience, finding your own style.


1. How to build effective texts: FICS method®
2. Body Language, Tone of Voice and Room Management
3. Energy projection exercises
4. Anchor Phrases
5. Tough Quesitons: strategy & handling
6. Technical Setup (Presence and Virtual)
7. Platforms (Zoom, Webex), comparison


The Course is strongly practical and conversational. Each theoretical element is reinforced through an exercise -for immediate review during the session. The participant will receive the corresponding feedback to improve their technique and to find their own style.

Role Playing:

The Role Playing technique will be used on real cases presented by both the participant and VirtualBrain – in order to apply skills regardless of the topic discussed.


Personalized: 8hs
Group: 8-12hs

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